Christmas Carols & Crafts

On 15th December, we held our first Christmas Carols & Crafts get-together! It was a great opportunity for a lot of us to see one another in person, and socialise with old friends, after a long period of not having done so.

Fortunately for us, especially considering the time of the year, the weather was mild, so we were able to hold our event, as planned, in Gillian’s garden (the small garden on the hospital side of SMART).

We had a craft stall set up for people to buy lots of goodies, including Christmas cards and jewellery made by our members during our recent “Crafts for Christmas” sessions, as well as the ever-popular spider plants, and SMART cookies. A fantastic amount of money was raised, and it’ll be used to support SMART’s ongoing work.

Aside from the craft stall, we had mulled apple juice, hot food, awesome Christmas sing-alongs, Sharon won our best outfit prize, magic from Magic, and Santa came along to give out gifts.

A good time was had by all, and hopefully we’ll be able to come together again like this soon.


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