Membership Definitions

The difference between a Full Member and a Social Member

Full Membership

To be a full member of SMART the person needs to have an official mental health diagnosis such as, depression, Bipolar disorder etc and be referred by by a member of their care team. This might be a social
worker, a consultant, or in some cases a GP. If the applicant does not have an official diagnosis and is suffering from isolation or low mood, then they can be referred as a Social Member.

SMART offers key-working, recovery planning and weekly Projects for full members including Café, Arts, Music and Gardening. The Projects teach practical and functional skills as well as providing a social space and the possibility of working towards paid work opportunities. In order to be a full member, an applicant must sign up and attend at least one Project. They will be assigned a Keyworker who will provide 6 weekly reviews of their progress at SMART and provide general support. Please also note that we are not a crisis service.

Individuals wishing to attend a SMART project need to be referred by a member of their care team. This might be a social worker, a consultant, or in some cases a GP. Being a Project Member means that you get access to all of SMART’s services and personal support to help you achieve the things you want to do.

Social Member

Social membership is for individuals who do not wish to join a Project and would just like to regularly attend the Café and join in any Café based activities such as drop-in crafts and socialising with other

Social members will also have access to our newsletter for upcoming activities, signposting to other helpful resources and drop-in occupational therapy workshops that run monthly.

Social members are not assigned Keyworkers and cannot attend any Projects. There will also be a new self-referral form for those who wish to become a Social member.


Non-members will have access to the Café as a public space, however, will not be able to attend any Projects or drop ins.

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