How to become a Member
It’s so easy to become a member. Simply talk to your care professional – this could be your Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN), Social Worker, Psychiatrist, Supported Housing Officer, Key Worker or a GP. Together you complete our short Referral Form and attend an induction meeting. Here is a step by step guide to our referral process.
The Referral Form
Together you and your care professional complete our short referral form. This form lets us know what you would like to do, and what your specific needs are. You can download the forms here
Submitting the paperwork
Your care professional submits the referral form along with a Risk Assessment and a copy of your Care Plan (if applicable) that is no more than 12 months old. As we are not clinicians, this paperwork is necessary to give us the extra information we need to ensure we can properly support our members. For GP referrals, there is a box on page 3 of the Referral Form that can be used if there is no risk assessment or care plan.
Arranging the induction
Once the paperwork is complete, we will contact the care professional within 3 working days to arrange an induction. Once a date is agreed, the care professional will inform you of the meeting.
The Induction Meeting
You and your care professional attend the induction meeting. During the induction we discuss what projects are on offer and you decide what you would like to do. The meeting is also a chance to get to know one another, and discuss your needs and plans for the future. Inductions usually ends with a tour of SMART to see the projects in action and a brief ‘hello’ to the other members of staff.
Welcome to SMART
Now, You’re a member! You will be sent a ‘Welcome Letter’ with the start date and time of your new project(s), and a copy will be sent to you care professional. You will also be given a copy of our Member Handbook.