Accessibility statement
We aim to provide a website that is as accessible to as many people as possible. We understand that some of the visitors to our website are disabled. Because of this we have taken extra care to make sure that you are able to enjoy equal access to everything on our website if you have a disability.
If you are using access technology (such as a screenreader if you are blind) please tell us about the technology you are using so that we can support you quickly and effectively.
This involved using a number of technological and design implementations, meeting certain standards criteria and developing clear editorial guidelines, including:
- Content rewritten in plain language
- Jargon kept to a minimum
- Standard formats for certain page types (news, projects etc)
Did you know?
There are many simple changes you can make in your computer settings that could make the screen easier to read?
Also, The BBC and disability technology charity AbilityNet have produced a very useful guide to how you can make your computer more user-friendly if you have a disability.
Accessibility is important to us. To get in Contact with us about this, please follow this link to contact us.