Latest Information


SMART is now open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10.30am – 7.30pm, and Saturdays and Sundays, from 10.30am – 4.00pm.

We have a new chef, Euan, who will preparing delicious food throughout the week, as well as new staff working in the evenings, and on the weekends.

Food in the cafe is “pay-as-you-feel”. That means you only have to give us what you can afford, and nothing if you don’t have anything to give. We do rely on your donations to keep it all going, so if you can afford to put some money our way, we are super grateful and suggest £1 for soup and bread, and £4 for the main meal.

We will be offering at least soup on most days, and a full meal on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout February. You can always get food in the evenings and on the weekend. From April, we will have food every day that we’re open.

We are also closing the food bank from the beginning of March. Please ask staff for a letter about this if you want to find out more, have comments for us, and or need help with food and managing your money. Times are tough, so we need to pull together to make the most of the resources we have, and we are here to help.

Best Wishes,
